You can find instructions on how to register 16 digit codes in the next section of this article.ġ.

Please note, these are 20 digit codes – if your code has 16 digits, it’s for bonus downloadable content. If you already own The Sims 3 or any of the Expansion/Stuff Packs, and wish to register them on your Origin account, please follow the steps below.

Registering The Sims 3 game and Expansions/Stuff Packs to your Origin account via the Sims 3 website After you've checked that your game is in your My Games library, head to to redeem your bonus content codes or download your registration rewards. The Sims 3, expansions, and Stuff Packs can all be redeemed through Origin or, but once redeemed do not need to be re-registered in the other. Note, codes for bonus content and The Sims 3 Store content are redeemed through, not through Origin. To redeem bonus content, after you've received an email with your 16-digit code, you can follow the email's further instructions, or just head to /myAccount.html, making sure to log-in with the same email and details as your Origin Account.After logging in, simply head to this page to download your registration reward.New users to, however, will have to complete an account registration process. Note, you do not need to re-register your game at. In order to get your registration rewards, you'll need to log-in to with the same email address you use for your Origin Account.

You can always find your base game key on the Game Detail Page in your Origin client which can be accessed by right-clicking on the game's icon and choosing "view game details." You no longer need game codes for your expansion / stuff packs with the latest update. Scroll down and you will see your games there. To access them, right-click on the Sims 3 icon and choose view game details.

Now, like if you'd purchased The Sims 3 in the Origin Store, your content will be visible in your My Games library.