Excess power created by these sustainable methods can be sold back to the grid using the Power Export Meter. 100 Best Games Like Prison Architect: Mobile: FTL: Faster Than Light,Prison Architect,Sanctum 2,LUFTRAUSERS,Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy,Medal of. Fields can also become Gang Turf, so keep your guards on alert!Ī Greener New Deal: Prisons get an eco-friendly makeover with Solar, Wind, and Solar/Wind Hybrid power sources. Prisoners can now secretly grow herbs in the fields and swipe kitchen ingredients to brew Booze.

Trouble is Brewing: With new crops comes new contraband. But that’s not all, players can recruit staff Farm Workers, build a Pantry to store produce, and construct a Shed to house farming-related items. Room to Grow: Three outdoor rooms facilitate farming: Fruit Orchard, Farm Field and Vegetable Allotment. Produce can be exported or used as ingredients for inmate meals. Prison Architect: Going Green brings agriculture to your compound, introducing farming, produce exports, and a whole bunch of contraband.įruits of Labor: Farming introduces a new type of Prison Labor, allowing prisons to grow potatoes, wheat, apples, and more.