Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. Raziel later discovers this is because the Ancients worshiped the Elder God, who had decreed all souls had to spin in a cycle of life and death known as the Wheel of Fate. For the first time in the series, both Kain and Raziel are playable, and their interwoven story is told in alternating chapters. ALL NEW TRAINER MANAGER 2.0 HAS BEEN RELEASED AND IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD! Legacy of Kain: Defiance is an action-adventure game developed by Crystal Dynamics and Nixxes Software BV, and published by Eidos. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2021,, Inc.

An Action-Adventure video-game series by Silicon Knights and Crystal Dynamics, The Legacy of Kain is set in the dark, gothic world of Nosgoth and its unique vampires. Both possess similar powers, including climbing walls, gliding in mid-air and phasing through certain gates. Legacy of Kain: Defiance problem I can't seem to get Defiance to work. In Avernus, after defeating the last of his brethren Turel, Raziel discovers Mortanius the Necromancer, who admits having helped Moebius lead the original crusade against the Vampires, and used Janos' heart to revive Kain as a Vampire to atone for his mistakes. To review this game, I'll cover several different areas: gameplay, visual, and audio. Although the in-game script implies that Raziel is the Hylden champion and Kain is the Vampire champion, This page was last edited on 3 March 2021, at 03:00.