Use Command + B to cycle through the tools Q (Keep pressing Q to cycle through the shapes) So whether you want to create shapes and masks or add a Text Layer, you can access these tools with one key. The Tool shortcuts are super handy for quickly cycling through the various tools at the top of the interface. When you use the Shortcut, the Finder window will pop up so you can choose a location and name for your new project. Remember, creating a New Project will close your current one, so make sure you save your work first. If you want to create a new project, there is a shortcut for that as well Alt/Option + Command/Control + N. New project: Alt/Option + Command/Control + N If you need to import multiple files, use Alt/Option + Command/Control + I. Using the shortcut will open a Finder window for you to access assets on your system. If you want to Import new assets to your project, you can use Command/Control + I for a single file.

If you want to open a recent project, you can use Option/Alt + Shift + Command + O, but it might be easier just to click back to the home screen. Open: Command/Control + OĬommand/Control + O is another shortcut you might be familiar with, as it will allow you to Open your projects just remember to save your current work before opening a second one. If you want to save a copy of your project, rather than overwriting the current one, just use Shift + Command/Control + S. After Effects does have autosave functions, which you can adjust in the After Effects Preferences, but it is a good idea to get into the habit of saving your work when you reach milestones. Probably the most important shortcut you’ll ever have to use is the Command/Control + S, as this lets you save your work. Even if you know some of these, let’s run through all the shortcuts you're likely to use frequently. Cross-platform Shortcuts are the easiest to pick up and use because you will use them across other software and programs.